SonLife Groups

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

SonLife Groups are the place to push past Bible knowledge and on to life application, being built up and equipped to be more Christ-like by applying biblical truth to our lives. A transformational small group focuses on God’s Word so as to spiritually mature in Christ and to build intentional relationships with the body. A SonLife group meets regularly, worships, shares, feeds on the Word and reaches outside their walls into the community. The Life group is a powerful, self-sustained group that is a part of the bigger body. The Life group should purpose to know people intimately, aid in the discovery and cultivation of spiritual giftedness, prioritize individual maturity and ensure the believer is developing a Christ-focused worldview.

current sonlife groups

And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ;
Ephesian 4:11 


Every Wed @ 7:00pm
Every Fri @ 1pm


Every Wed @ 7:00pm

Mount Vernon

Every Mon @ 7:00pm

A Ring and A Robe

Every Other Wed @ 7:00pm

Super Singles

2nd Saturday of the Month @ 5:30pm



Young Adults

Every Tues @ 6:30pm

Sonrise Annies; Women of High Caliber

Every Other Month


We'd love to get you connected to a SonLife group in your area.
Fill out the form below to get started. Groups Meet in various places communities representative of the body of Sonrise. If you have a desire to be a part of SonLife Group or have a desire to lead one please fill out the form below.