She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
Women One2One exists to connect women of all ages together for the purpose of growing closer to Christ and strengthening our homes in love. We are called One2One because of our direct relationship to Christ; we don't need anything between us. We believe our relationship with Christ is personal and so our relationships be personal too. So unless we come to God one to one, face-to-face, we will not be changed nor hear personally his loving and guiding voice. Our desire is to grow together, learn from each other and see God at work in each and every one of us. We desire to have fun by building our faith and fellowship One2One.

Women's events
Bringing women together One2One. Women's ministry happens weekly, check our events calendar for upcoming events. Women of all ages together for faith, fun and fellowship!
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Proverbs 27:17
SonLife Groups are the place to push past Bible knowledge and on to life application, being built up and equipped to be more Christ-like by applying biblical truth to our lives. A transformational small group focuses on God’s Word so as to spiritually mature in Christ and to build intentional relationships with the body. A SonLife group meets regularly, worships, shares, feeds on the Word and reaches outside their walls into the community. The Lifegroup is a powerful, self-sustained cell that is a part of the bigger body. The Life group should purpose to know people intimately, aid in the discovery and cultivation of spiritual giftedness, prioritize individual maturity and ensure the believer is developing a Christ-focused worldview